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3 Signs You Need an Annual Check Up

March 18, 2024

3 Signs You Need an Annual Check Up

Do you really need an annual check-up? It is funny how our health state never seems to make it to the top priorities list.

The annual examination aims for patients to build a close relationship with their doctor before illness happens. This relationship allows your doctor to have a better insight into your medical history, the state of your physical and mental health. 

Periodic examinations provide preventive measures that can significantly improve patients’ health. These routine visits are particularly beneficial for high-health-risk patients.

In this article, we aim to show the importance of annual check-ups and why to start having them.

When do I need to start with annual check ups? 

Updating your clinical history is the best you can do for illness prevention. Nevertheless, adults commonly avoid medical appointments because of a lack of resources — time and money. But there is a point in life when these annual visits cannot be avoided anymore.

The signs or factors that indicate that you need to start getting annual check-ups are:

To manage chronic conditions 

If you have a chronic illness, even if you currently feel healthy, annual check-ups are necessary. Doctors need to evaluate the current status and evolution of the illness to confirm a good health state.

Common chronic illnesses that require annual check-ups are:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Hepatitis C
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (severe asthma, bronchitis)

More than one annual medical appointment might be necessary if your illness demands a long term treatment with drug prescriptions.

Due to high risk factors

People under critical risk factors that could lead to chronic diseases must have at least one medical check-up per year.

Common risk factors that are related to chronic illnesses are:

  • Obesity. An unhealthy diet and low physical activity lead to obesity. Obesity is linked to illnesses like hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
  • Age. People of all ages can benefit from annual check-ups. However, as we grow older, committing to periodic examinations becomes a necessity. For example, the American Cancer Society recommends mammograms to start at the ages of 40 to 44. Also, The American Diabetes Association recommends medical examinations to start from the age of 45.
  • Tobacco use. Excessive tobacco smoking is a risk factor of conditions like cancer, obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections.

Checking these factors regularly allows your doctors to spot and prevent the development of serious illnesses.

For lifestyle Purposes

As previously mentioned, age is a big factor that influences our health. As young adults, the demands of our lifestyle require annual check-ups to optimize our health. For example:

  • Family planning. If you are interested to start a family or are already pregnant, it is recommended to confirm everything is in order with both your physical and mental health.
  • Active sex life. Checkups serve as STD prevention. Also, if you have an active sex life is very important to start having annual HPV cancer screenings.

What to Expect in an Annual Check Up?

The examination will begin with your doctor gathering information about your medical history; this includes previous surgeries, medications you currently take, previous tests, weight, eating habits, physical activity level, etc. 

Eventually, the necessary tests will be ordered. The tests depend on your age, genetics, habits, and current health condition. Your doctor will suggest preventive measures or appropriate treatment.

BASS Urgent Care counts with highly qualified healthcare professionals to provide trustworthy medical services. Contact us today to book your appointment!

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