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How to Prevent Scarring From Stitches

March 18, 2024

How to Prevent Scarring From Stitches

Our bodies are capable of enduring and repairing significant damage or trauma. When skin presents laceration injuries, scaring is the natural cycle in the healing process. Although it is good to embrace a mindset where physical appearance is not as valuable as personality treats, people might develop concerns about getting scars. It is inevitable to heal lacerations or cuts without scarring. Luckily, there are routine measurements that can help with reducing scarring visibility.

Scarring Preventive and Minimizing Measurements 

The final appearance of scarring depends on different factors like age, ethnicity, genetics, or the laceration size. Scarring can be significantly reduced when the damaged skin receives proper care during the initial healing stages. 

Here are some tips to implement in your treatment to help with scarring visibility:

Medical Instructions 

After being sutured, laceration patients will receive medical instructions about how to take care of their injury during their treatment. It is crucial to follow these instructions to achieve optimal recovery. Some extra considerations to keep in mind are:

  • Avoid swimming to keep your stitches dry and clean.
  • No scratching (this can make the stitches come out or infect the wound)
  • Avoid activities or environments that expose the wound to dirt or pollution.

Sun Exposure

Damaged skin is more susceptible to present sun damage provoked by UVA and UVB ray filters. Scarring skin which faces sun exposure is vulnerable to develop signs of discoloration. It is recommended to cover the injury from the sun with clothing until the laceration has healed. Prevent further damage by applying sunscreen to the healed scar.

Silicone Gels

Silicon products help to smooth scars, plus they serve to protect the scar from stress and pollution. The gel product works by being applied for a minimum of 12 hours per day. Because of the different types of silicon, it is advisable to discuss this method with your doctor.


If necessary, your doctor can prescribe onion extract ointments to implement in your healing process and get better scarring results. 


Massages, by increasing blood flow, help to improve scarring. 

After stitches have been removed and the laceration has completely healed, you can proceed to get a massage. The method consists of putting lotion on your hands and applying medium pressure in circular movements to the affected area.


Any signs of infection in the scar recovery should be treated immediately by medical professionals. Infected scars extend the healing process and can worsen skin damage. 

Infection symptoms include 48 hours of fever, swelling, skin irritation, and smelly fluid discharge (pus).

Injury Stress 

In the laceration treatment, rest is as important as prescribed medication. Physical efforts that imply adding stress, directly or indirectly, to your wound will consequently expand the scar size and affect its appearance.


Heal from the inside out. Your body, including your skin, benefits from your nutritional habits. Patients recovering from scarring are recommended to take diets with a vast amount of protein. Our metabolism heals faster with a healthy diet, therefore try to stay hydrated and avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Consult with your healthcare professional before trying any of these methods. Your primary doctor can help to provide a satisfying treatment into reducing your scar marks.

BASS Urgent Care is at your service for any doubts or concerns you might have regarding laceration treatment and scarring. Our highly-skilled medical staff is more than competent to provide a proper diagnosis and treatment. Your health is our priority, reach to us for further medical advice!

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