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Is Your Asthma Getting Worse? Here Are Tips for Preventing and Treating Asthma

March 18, 2024

Is Your Asthma Getting Worse? Here Are Tips for Preventing and Treating Asthma

Do you feel like your asthma has been getting worse recently? There’s nothing worse than the feeling of suddenly being unable to catch your breath. Fear, anxiety, and panic are terms that hardly describe the emotions one experiences during an asthma attack. While asthma attacks can be debilitating, options for preventing and treating asthma can help reduce the likelihood of a severe attack. 

If you are suffering from asthma, do not despair. Consider some of the possible solutions and prevention methods listed below, and know when you should seek the help of a physician.  

Signs Your Current Treatments for Asthma Aren’t Doing Enough

There are several signs that may indicate that your asthma is getting worse. While most individuals with asthma experience mild symptoms daily, they are usually kept under control with healthy lifestyle choices, inhalers, and other medications. However, in order to avoid the possibility of a severe asthma attack, it’s very important to take note of any significant changes to your normal symptoms. 

Changes to typical symptoms that may suggest your asthma is getting worse include: 

  • Feeling more breathless than usual 
  • A tight feeling in the chest
  • Inability to sleep 
  • Coughing more  
  • Wheezing often
  • Using an inhaler more frequently 
  • Your asthma is disrupting your daily activities 

Common Causes and Prevention

Individuals can experience asthma flare-ups for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, you can easily prevent most of the causes of your increased asthma symptoms by taking proactive measures to avoid specific triggers. 

The most common causes of asthma flare-ups and their corresponding steps for prevention include:

  • Allergies: Things like dust, pollens, mites, weather changes, and mold can significantly aggravate an individual’s asthma and cause more severe symptoms. You can prevent allergies by avoiding dust mites, staying inside when pollen counts are high, and controlling indoor humidity levels. 
  • Exercise: While light cardio and aerobic exercises can be beneficial for people with asthma, more strenuous exercises should be avoided to prevent the chance of flare-ups. 
  • Smoke from Tobacco or Wood: If you’re living with asthma, this one is probably a no-brainer. Avoid exposing yourself to any form of smoke or risk experiencing increased symptoms.
  • Sinus Infections and Common Colds: Contracting an infection or cold can also lead to harsher asthma symptoms. If you are sick and experiencing an asthma flare-up, take medications, use your inhaler, and monitor your symptoms closely. 

Additional Treatment for Asthma and What to Expect

If your asthma has been getting worse, you may need to speak with a doctor and consider additional treatment options to help get your symptoms under control. Luckily, most individuals experience relief from their more severe symptoms after a few days of receiving proper treatment. 

Treatments for asthma when your symptoms progressively get worse include:

  • Bronchodilators: This medication helps relax the muscles surrounding the airway, allowing for increased airflow. 
  • Anti-inflammatory medicines: These medications aid in reducing inflammation and expelling mucus from the airways, which can make breathing much easier when experiencing a flare-up. 
  • Breathing treatments/inhalers: If your symptoms persist, you may have to start undergoing breathing treatments. Additionally, if you do not already use an inhaler, your doctor may recommend adopting one into your daily routines to help manage symptoms. 

Don’t Risk an Asthma Attack— Get Help Now!

Ultimately, if your asthma worsens, do not hesitate to speak to a physician, as a severe asthma attack could be imminent. Remember, though, that treating asthma is a very common practice and, as a result, there are many solutions that can help increase your quality of life. Do not allow yourself to suffer from your asthma symptoms. Instead, contact a medical expert at BASS Urgent Care.  

We strive to help every one of our patients experience relief from their symptoms, but you have to take the first step in realizing that you deserve help. For any questions, contact us at (925) 350-4044.

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